Vice President Biden speaks at National Defense University on the future of the United States’ nuclear deterrent capabilities and lays out the plan for implementing the President’s nonproliferation and nuclear security agenda.
The Vice President outlines how the Administration’s budget request and other efforts will support the President’s vision of reducing the nuclear dangers facing our country as we pursue the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.
WASHINGTON — Vice President Joe Biden called on the US Senate Thursday to ratify an international treaty banning nuclear testing to strengthen a "fraying" international consensus against the spread of nuclear weapons.
The Senate voted in 1998 against the accord -- the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) -- which would ban all nuclear blasts, whether military or civilian in nature.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the CTBT on September 10, 1996 but it has not yet entered into force because countries like the United States, Iran and Israel have yet to ratify the treaty.
Biden noted that lawmakers had harbored significant concerns about the treaty 12 years ago, but insisted that many of their reservations have been resolved.
"We're confident that all reasonable concerns raised about the treaty -- concerns about verification and a reliable nuclear arsenal -- have now been addressed," he told an audience at the National Defense University, a military educational institution in Washington.
Biden calls for ratification of nuclear test ban treaty
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